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The onset of the disease resembles a simple lesion of dilantin with an infectious disease, a manifestation of fever, convulsions of the body is possible. Lesions develop rapidly, leading to serious damage to the motor apparatus, loss of sensation and loss of consciousness. There is a meningeal syndrome with vomiting and severe headaches. Often there is an increase in pressure inside the skull.

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The unfavorable prognosis is explained by the defeat of a large part of the brain stem, in which the main pathways and nuclei of the nerves of the skull are concentrated. What is special about progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy? The reduction of this disease sounds like PMLE, and is characterized by demyelination of the brain, more often recorded in the elderly, and accompanied by a large amount of the CNS. Symptoms are manifested in paresis, convulsions, loss in space, loss of vision and intellectual activity, leading to buy dilantin online. The peculiarity of this disease is noted in the fact that demyelination is observed along with damage to the immune system.

The first sign that can be detected during the initial examination is a violation of the speech apparatus, impaired coordination of movements and sensitivity. For the final diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used. Only on the basis of this study, the doctor can establish the final diagnosis. MRI is the most accurate method for diagnosing many diseases. Also, the affected person is assigned a laboratory blood test. Deviations in the number of lymphocytes, or platelets, may indicate an exacerbation of diseases. The most accurate method of diagnosing is MRI with the introduction of a contrast agent.

It is with the help of such a study that it is possible to buy phenytoin online both a single focus of demyelination and multiple lesions of the brain and nerve tissues. If on the first pass of magnetic resonance imaging, lesions are detected, and on the subsequent passage it is noted that one of the lesions has disappeared, then this is characteristic of multiple sclerosis. On the MRI screen, the foci are displayed as white spots, which cannot be used to determine the inflammatory process, demyelination, remyelination, or what other process is taking place in the tissues. If the focus disappears on re-examination, this indicates that deep tissue damage has not occurred, which is a good sign. Treatment of demyelinating disease of the brain.

For the treatment of diseases of this group, two methods are used. pathogenetic treatment and symptomatic therapy. The use of symptomatic treatment occurs to eliminate the patient's disturbing symptoms. It consists of nootropics (Piracetam), painkillers, anti-seizure medications, neuroprotectors (Semax, Glycine), and muscle relaxants (Mydocalm). B vitamins are used to improve the transmission of nerve excitations. Perhaps the appointment of antidepressants for depression. Treatment aimed at preventing further destruction of the myelin sheath is called pathogenetic. It also eliminates antibodies and immune complexes that attack the membrane.

Any treatment for demyelination is prescribed by the attending physician based on the patient's individual indicators. What kind of lifestyle to lead after diagnosis? When diagnosing demyelination, to prevent burdens, you must adhere to the following list of actions. The prognosis for demyelination is not favorable. If a timely course of therapy is not carried out, the disease can progress to a chronic form, which will lead to paralysis, muscle atrophy and dementia. The latter can be fatal.

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With the growth of foci in the brain, there will be a violation of the functioning of dilantin, namely a violation of the respiratory processes, swallowing and speech apparatus.

  • Multiple sclerosis leads to disability. It is important to understand that it is impossible to cure multiple sclerosis, you can only prevent its development.
  • When the slightest sign of demyelination is detectedand see a doctor.
  • Histologically, there are two types of nerve fibers - myelinated and without a layer of myelin on the surface of phenytoin online.

The electrical impulse generated as a result of various metabolic reactions taking place in the nerve cell travels along the nerves and is transmitted from one cell to another. Myelin is used to accelerate the conduction of an impulse (on the surface of a neuron it forms the so-called nodes of Ranvier).

The speed of signal transmission along myelin fibers is several tens of times higher than in non-myelinated (non-fleshy) nerve cells.

  • As a result of a failure in the DNA region responsible for programming myelin synthesis, defective myelin is synthesized, which is perceived as defective and destroyed (myelinopathy).
  • According to its course, demyelination can be divided into acute, remitting and acute monophasic.
  • In what diseases can the development of the demyelinating process be observed?

When the myelin layer is damaged, the impulse conduction worsens, and, accordingly, the innervation of the peripheral areas, which is manifested by the clinic characteristic of this condition. Demyelination can develop as a result of two reasons. The first is an autoimmune disease. Myelin is damaged as a result of abnormal activity of circulating antibodies in the blood. Usually, this mechanism is observed in violation of the immune system and the affinity of the cells of the myelin sheath with pathological antigens (myelinoclasty). The second is a violation of phenytoin synthesis at the genetic level.

Last Updated: May 29, 2023